Tiny Conflict: 3012 is the first eco-friendly tabletop wargame that provides infinite creativity and helps build an amazing community! At Department of Wargaming, we are all about providing wargames for everyone, innovation and sustainability, and making awesome games! Tiny Conflict: 3012 is the first step on our journey and we'd love it if you joined us!

The Milky Way galaxy is in peril - the greedy corporate-run United Galactic Nations (UGN) of Earth are scared of the recently independent Martian Republic's continued growth and technological advancements. This has sparked a second civil war between the two Home Planets! Poverty is rife and families starve as funds are misspent by the powerful corporations that run both planets. Some turn to piracy whilst others attempt to achieve peace in an embattled space. Whilst humanity tears itself apart, alien races look to snuff out its light from the galaxy.

The United Galactic Nations Navy
In 3012, Earth has been scaped into a powerhouse of production. Gone are countries and their borders; instead, they are replaced with zones designed to maximise the production of products and the extraction of materials. Each of these zones is run by a powerful corporation that cares more about profits than the lives at stake. Those lives belong to the brave mariners of the UGNN. They man powerful warships of dramatic scale, each one a bleak lifeless block made to maximize cost and firepower. The only thing providing character to these industrial behemoths are the lives of those who serve proudly (or with no other option) aboard them.

The Martian Republic Navy
Having been the underdog since their creation in 2997, the MRN have had to find other ways to come out on top in the deadly combat of 3012. Scouring the stars and the ancient civilisations nestled upon them, the MRN has created deadly alien technologies and crafted intricate fleet doctrines that rival factions far greater than themselves. Their ships are sleek and sharp; powered by heavy thrusters, they outshine most opponents they face despite their lack of manpower. Some MRN ships even utilise powerful stealth technology, making them fierce predators in increasingly denser battlefields.

Originally formed by the bullied working class of billionaires sent to populate the stars, the Star Scrappers are a conglomerate of found families who look out for each other whilst trying to live a peaceful life in a dangerous galaxy. As their name suggests, the Star Scrappers make most of their livings from breaking down dead ships from battles past and selling on the scrap. This nomadic faction uses ships, called Homestead Skiffs, that act as towns in the stars. Each one houses numerous families with their own apartments as well as having onboard shops and production facilities all bolted on and added as it is needed. These ships act as self-sustaining communities that can last for generations on end. Despite their peaceful nature, Star Scrappers can prove to be a cunning opponent. Focussed on survival rather than the goals of corrupt governments, Star Scrappers utilise guerrilla tactics and wit to take out their foe. Many Star Scrappers also have skills in engineering or combat from their previous lives, allowing their ships to not only provide comfortable living but also effective combat capabilities.

Angry, devoted, and fearless, these destructive pirates live like they are gods! They barrel through the stars stealing whatever they can and destroying the rest. Rather than building ships of their own, these pirates prefer boarding others and storming through the hallways, slaughtering all until the ship is under their control. Their indoctrinated belief that they are immortal makes them a terrifying foe, especially when charging at you with a sword in hand. They lurk among asteroids or the stations of the outer rim and prey upon the weak or the few to live a life of excess and luxury. The Blunder Brigades are usually found in formations called hunting packs. These small groups of deadly ships use even deadlier tactics to overwhelm even the largest of foes in a matter of minutes.

A vast and powerful hivemind that takes the form of a near-infinite number of humanoid reptilians. These 3ft tall frog men have bulbous heads that act as extensions to the server-like hivemind that controls them. Armoured and equipped with a strange metallic wood, these tribal creatures should by no means be able to fight in the stars. However, by killing the early expedition that sought to colonise their planet, the hivemind evolved and built warships that defy all laws of human physics. The threat the Girep provide is immense. They can replicate in nearly no time at all and can evolve with each replication. Their ships are impossible to board without being overrun and even harder to research with each ship running on the brain power of Girep controllers who die if the ship does. They may look small and cute, but they are infinite and they are deadly.

The Creatures of the Void are thought to be the native creatures of the created universe. Believed to be made by the god creatures that built the galaxies, these creatures were put in place to protect their domains in the absence of their creators. These creatures appear as autonomous beings that roam the stars in their various forms protecting it from different threats. The primary and most recent threat to their created universe is the vast infectivity and destructive tendencies of humanity!
Made up of many different sub-factions or sub-species, the Creatures of the Void are an extremely diverse and powerful adversary. They will stop at nothing to protect their galaxy!

We encourage all those who play Tiny Conflict to recycle old sprue and wargaming parts they have sitting around, and turn them into awesome warship models to battle it out on the tabletop. Despite the few recycling programs put in place, not enough is being done to tackle the plastic waste created by the wargaming hobby. Right now, most of the sprue from other wargaming boxes goes straight in the bin. Why throw it away when you can turn it into more models? Furthermore, building with sprue provides near-endless opportunities to create whatever designs you want!
We've even tried to minimise our plastic waste as much as possible. Our battle pack sprues are specifically designed for you to build using the sprue itself, then customise with the components the sprue holds. The sprue also contains pre-measured notches meaning you always get exactly how much you need to build your models. This drastically cuts down on how much plastic is wasted. We also are only using recyclable/recycled materials for our packaging and as much of our game components as possible. This way we can provide the best products possible without it costing the Earth!

One of the things we love the most at Department of Wargaming is being creative. Creativity is what caused us to make the Tiny Conflict universe in the first place! That's why with all our games, there is no set way to use them. Got your own rules you want to try? Made an awesome model you want to use? Want to try out a new paint scheme? Show us! We love creativity and even encourage it across all aspects of the Tiny Conflict universe and beyond. Creativity is what drives us as individuals and that shouldn't stop when you get to the tabletop.
We've designed our sprue boxes with some ideas and inspirations that you can have a go at, but the possibilities are endless and it doesn't have to end at sprue. We've had some amazing creations at our in-person events and across our Sprue-gust sprue ship competition, with everything from rubbish to spare Lego attached to them. Let your imagination run wild.
We know the amazing talent of the wargaming community doesn't end on the battlefield. So many amazing artists, designers, and storytellers have already made such amazing pieces around the Tiny Conflict universe and we can't wait to see more. We've built a massive universe-sized sandbox and we want you to play in it. Even if you never build a model or play a game, we'd love to see your creativity in action in whatever form you prefer. Even better, we will never ask you to stop or prevent you from your creativity in the way other companies have in the past. We may even put your work into the official lore and make sure you're fairly compensated!

Whilst we're building the Tiny Conflict universe and games to be the best they can be, they would be nothing without a community! We know how important the wargaming community is, which is why all our actions are motivated by the community rather than profits. If any project or idea doesn't benefit the community as a whole in some way, then it simply won't happen! Wargaming helped us find our way in the world and we want to provide that for others too. We've already hosted a number of free in-person events for our local community in Bath and want to take this even further. Every single donation or purchase made to us will go towards hosting events in schools, youth clubs, gaming groups, and local independent stores for free to grow the community and provide a fun and safe experience for all.
We will soon also have options to donate a demo bundle of the game to your chosen independent game store (as well as making our own donations) so you can get some cool stuff and share the hobby love! This is all part of our Wargaming for Everyone initiative that aims to make wargames accessible and affordable for all. Starting with Tiny Conflict: 3012, all of our rules will be free to download forever with as many games as possible being entirely free to play. This gives the most people the most chance to find this amazing hobby and have access to it without missing out. Every donation, no matter how big or small, will provide kits to students or those with low income to give everyone an equal chance. We are also massive advocates for mental health and using this amazing hobby and community as a way of helping with mental health needs. Working with therapists and support groups, your donations will go towards providing the creative freedoms of the Tiny Conflict universe to help those that need it most.
We are so proud to be a part of this community and can't wait to show off the enormous growth and support each one of your donations will provide. Thank you!

Just the beginning
The universe of Tiny Conflict is ever-growing. With new expansions, rules, characters, units, art, and lore, 3012 is only the beginning and it doesn't stop with us!
Now it's your turn to get out there and forge new stories across the stars. No matter if it's the story of a lone civilian surviving the perilous void or a vast fleet carving their mark onto each solar system, every inch tells a story.
Start your story today:

Expansions are how Tiny Conflict's narrative, rules, and campaigns grow. These expansions span the course of several months with new content for the season releasing each week. Each expansions is spearheaded by the release of a book. These books, released at the start of the expansion, come in two forms and contain all the new content. The first version is free and includes all the new rules, characters, units, and some story. This way everyone, no matter of their situation, can enjoy all the new content. The paid version also includes in-depth narrative, art, stories, lore, and a campaign that can be followed and played with your friends or even solo! So what are you waiting for admiral? Step foot into the unknown!
Enter Humanity's Grave
Set across a vast quantity of the Home Planet's sector, between the Home planets and Sol, Humanity's Grave is a dangerous sprawl of asteroids and ship debris. Made partly from a dislodged part of Saturn's rings as well as rogue asteroids, Humanity's Grave is a valuable resource. But with high reward comes high risk. Being the most resource dense place in a resource starved sector, Humanity's Grave is rife with mining corps, civilians, militaries, and worst of all pirates. Opportunist scum run rampant in the area and are the highest cause of casualty in Humanity's Grave. Despite this, much of the debris that makes up Humanity's Grave comes from the fierce fleet battles during it's discovery. Since then, large fleets have steered clear in favour of small strike fleets.
The players
The Martian Republic Navy are the best armed and most organised faction in Humanity’s Grave after the departure of the majority of the UGNN forces from the area. Still locked in their endless civil war with the UGNN, the MRN are desperate for more resources to build more warships and research better technologies to keep up with the war.
Their main source of military activity in the area is protecting various resource extraction points and, more importantly, the shipping lanes out of Humanity’s Grave. To supplement Mars’ much needed income, much of the shipping and mining is carried out by corporations who pay Mars for protection and to keep some of the materials for private production. This added pressure from the corporations has made Humanity’s Grave the MRN’s number 1 priority and put lots of stress on their forces to protect and patrol the area.
Blue Beard’s Blunder Brigades
With the opportunity of massive plunder and the ever growing need for newer ships, the pirates of the Blunder Brigades moved most of their available forces into Humanity’s Grave.
The tactics of the pirates are extremely aggressive and are best suited for the dense terrain of Humanity’s Grave. Small hunting parties of 3-4 ships scour the asteroids searching for and trapping any ships before they can escape or seek aid.
The Blunder Brigades have become so accustomed to fighting and boarding MRN ships from Humanity’s Grave that they prefer capturing the MRN ships for their own as they know their way around them so well.
The Stuff of legends
One of the biggest parts of the expansions is Legendary Admirals. These heroes of their respective factions are masters of the battlefields and adepts of their craft. Each one comes with backstory, a unique ability, and a powerful morale ability that makes them formidable on the tabletop. Continue their legacies now!

Tell Your Tales
The campaign is one of the biggest and best parts of each expansion. Each one allows you to live out and choose the stories of each faction as they fight for glory and maybe even more valuable riches!

More to Come!
Tiny Conflict: Expansions are updated almost every week throughout the expansion with new stories, pictures, lore, art, and more! So make sure to check back here, over on our news feed, and on our social media accounts!
Get Expansion 0 now!

The first full expansion for Tiny Conflict: 3012! This expansions brings tonnes of new content to the game including new art, story, lore, factions, units, weapons, equipment, and more! Leading on from Expansion: 0, Expansion: 1 comes in two versions, the free version which includes all the above content, and the paid version which includes an epic campaign, more art, more lore, and more story!
As previously stated, we have endeavoured to make sure that no-one is left out by a new expansion with all the core content being entirely free of charge. The deluxe paid-for version of the expansion provides some extra content for those looking to financially support the continued development of Tiny Conflict: 3012
A new Enemy Approaches
Set in the destination star system of Earth's 3000 Expedition, now called Ground Zero, the Heralds of Rust a scary new adversary for humanity! A strange waterborne infection took over both man and machine on the newly settled planet. These new infected hosts rapidly grew in intelligence and took to the stars in no time! Losing contact with the flourishing colony, the UGNN sent a response fleet to the planet. What they found was horrifying and had no explanation. Ships made of a jet black rock like material with thick black monoliths rising from its surfaces, all emitting an ominous pearlescent orange glow. Aboard each of these strange vessels stood the infected members of the colony, now also featuring the jet black skin and monoliths and orange hue.
The Containment
The initial response from the UGNN didn't last long. Completely unprepared for what they were about to face. The fleet tried holding out using hastily created defence posts and a massive mobile shipyard. Trying to hold a containment area around the Ground Zero planet, they held for 15 gruelling days before finally issuing a retreat. Of the 38 ships hastily sent out as part of the containment fleet, only 3 returned. These ships became the basis of the research for the specially created Hazmat armour for the UGNN Hazmat response fleet.
UGNN Hazmat Fleet:
This specially created fleet, headed by High Admiral Giles Arador, is the main fighting force specifically designed to fight back the Rust infection. Arador made massive contributions to the project, inventing both the armour itself and the tactics around it's best implementation. The fleet relies on an intricate network of make-shift supply hubs as well as a mobile shipyard, just like the one in the initial response. The brave soldiers aboard these vessels as well as the ships they inhabit have their work cut out for them in the defence of humanity!
The Heralds of Rust:
An entirely new opponent that threatens the very existence of humanity altogether. When initially faced by the UGNN their fleets featured a small variety of different stone based designs. However, a disturbing revelation was made when they fought the UGNN again. The infection had absorbed the damaged or abandoned UGNN ships in the area and incorporated both the ship itself and its human-given ship class into it's designs, making their fleets far more diverse and even scarier! The horrific Rust infection seems to have no goal and won't stop until someone forces it too.
A continued Legacy
Back again in this expansion is more legendary admirals! These admirals are important figures in the galaxy with their own stories and many more to tell. They possess amazing tactical abilities on the battlefield, boosting the morale of their fellow ships and often bring their own custom starships!

More to Come!
Tiny Conflict: Expansions are updated almost every week throughout the expansion with new stories, pictures, lore, art, and more! So make sure to check back here, over on our news feed, and on our social media accounts!
Get Expansion 1 now!

In backwater space stations and the filthy poverty of the colonies, crime is rife! In the criminal world there is only one way to settle a score or claim territory....... A brawl!
Tiny Conflict: Cosmic Arena is those brutal brawls played out on the table top. Short, sharp, and to the point, each game of Cosmic Arena is a fast-paced display of strategy, skill, and bloodshed. Gather your gang of butt-faced miscreants and fight it out. To the death!

A page out of the brutal handbook
Cosmic Arena was born from the one page game jam on Instagram, hosted by @the_hobby_dungeon. This was our submission, a brutal, fast-paced combat strategy game. As with all our games, the rules for Cosmic Arena are free, but that's not all. The rules also come with everything you need to play a game even if you don't own any models. Included is a page with a set of terrain as well two teams of criminal scum to fight it out in places big or small!
Meet the line up

From the asteroid mining station of Hiyth Rock, the Bruisers are a devious team of thugs that prefer drilling skulls than rocks. This gang, headed by hot-shot Kai Blast, play dirty and play to win. Always covering Kai's flank and clad in mining armour is Gunner Drax Quin. Finishing off this dastardly trio is their eagle-eyed companion and reprogramed lift operator automaton ED-133 or Eddie to the guys.
In the other corner is the Vipers from the technologically advanced Eirad Station on the outer fringes of the Home Planets sector. Eirad station is home to plentiful expensive tech that often falls into the wrong hands. Stealthy, speedy, and with swift hands, gang leader Aldon Rex is best equipped to steal these kinds of tech with his numerous bionic enhancements. Upfront with his deadly techno blade and info visor, Arjun Vos is a deadly force to be reckoned with in melee combat. Finally, swooping in for the kill, with annoying efficiency is Gunner Jet Elrin and his souped-up boost pack.
Decide your champion
All that's left is for you to decide which gang takes the throne and which gang gets spaced. Fight out your fast-paced brutality now and get the rules and models free now!