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Before the vast space empires and galactic wars of 3012, there were the Rogue Sections. This is where everything started to go wrong for humanity and led it to it's future demise. Rogue Sections takes place in 1949 with the Second World War still trudging on. The bombs fell, but the war didn't end there. More and more bombs fell until nothing was left, not even the morale of the troops still fighting. Angered by their superiors sending them to their deaths, the forces still left standing chose to fight for themselves. Instead of fighting under the flag of their nation, soldier's turn to forming Rogue Sections to fight merely their own survival.

Even though it's set in the Tiny Conflict universe, the game is very different. You take control of a small number of models that are made up of a set amount of classes with a simple customisation system. The game is far more fast paced and random. With the battlefields of the never ending war overlapping and conflicting with each other, terrain may face in angles that don't make sense, objectives are scattered across the land, and soldiers come from random angles.


Battles are extremely tactical and very deadly. Models can die very quickly and the tides of battle can change very quickly. Whilst that may sound daunting, and sounds like something that requires skill to keep up with, Rogue Sections is a good easy starting wargame that teaches you some basic concepts whilst also using some unique systems along the way. It can, however, be a very skilled game that can challenge even the most veteran of wargamers with time.

The Hill of Souls Colourised.png

One of the most important aspects of the game is activation dice. Each character has an allocation of activation dice that they roll as soon as they activate. Using the results, each model can carry out actions using the weapons and equipment cards they are equipped with. Activation dice are replenished each turn and are rerolled every time so every turn can be vastly different for each model. 


Whilst not immediately important, some models and their equipment have good synergies with each other. Using these synergies effectively along with the taking advantage of the battlefield, terrain, and scenario will allow you to master the game!


The rulebook is split into multiple different parts. These sections are built and organised to make learning the game as easy as possible and then make finding and referencing rules easy once you have learnt them!

The story and lore of Rogue Sections is kept short to keep the book as compact as possible and to allow for some creative freedom. However, there are plenty of plans for new expansions in the works and plenty more story to tell. Whilst Rogue Sections may not receive specific story updates, each new expansion will contain some lore to give direction to the new rules and provide reasoning for what you're seeing played out on the tabletop.

Best of all, you can play Rogue Sections right now!


The game has just entered it's v0.4 update, it's last update before it's full release. This is an amazing step for the game and we love seeing every game played out that gets sent to us. 


Play your own games and let us know what you think too. Download the rules for free, forever, from the store section now!

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