Welcome to Adventure Quest!
The competition gods have sent you, the best of the best, on a quest. A quest against another adventure group. The quest this time is: Grab the treasure & survive in the arena of death. The gods have placed their bets on you. Don't let them down.
Play a small group of adventurers, with all the classic TTRPG stats and actions all packed into a compact skirmish pvp! Your goal is to conquer or protect the treasure in a competition against another adventure group.
You start with little, but can gain fame & fortune should you survive. Adventure Quest is a fast-paced tabletop miniature-agnostic, turn-based, competitive game with roleplaying elements for up to two people playable anywhere.
The rules are still in a beta version and will be continuously adapted, with expansions planned for the future. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me via Instagram feelluckypunk1312.
May natural 20s be with you!
Community Created Project
This project is created by Flo of feelluckypunk1312 (Instagram)