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Classified Information

With the turn of the new year comes a whole host of exciting new releases and developments at DoW HQ!


One of the most exciting new releases we have coming out is the Classified Zine! This zine is an evolution of the past Milky Way Weekly/Monthly zines which, whilst they will be sadly leaving us, means we get to do even more with this new zine!

What's so great about this new zine? Well the biggest and best part of it all is that this one is entirely community developed. This means that all the content comes straight from those who mean the most to this community! It also means we get to echo the little voices that often get left in the dark. This is something we're really excited about and really think will be boost the community in more ways than one!


Also making a comeback is our zine poster format! This awesome layout allows for some even cooler community collaboration, especially for artists. Each issue has roughly 7 pages worth of space for content that we've been able to cram full of interesting articles and awesome games. The coolest part of the zine poster, however, is right in it's name. Featured on the fully expanded version is a huge print-free version of the front cover art. This turns every physical version into an awesome display piece after you've read it that can also be folded up nice and easily for storage. For digital versions, this also creates an awesome wallpaper for phones or tablets!


We've worked really hard to put this all together, but none of it would be possible without the amazing response of our brilliant community. With the first issue, we received loads of great feedback and even more amazing comments from people who wanted to see more. But best of all was the floods of people looking to contribute their work into future issues. Everything from how wargaming mirrors the real world to wargaming on a budget have already been suggested for future issues. We've had so much positive response in this area that we nearly managed to fill two whole issues in one week! This has already been an amazing project with so much more to give.


Want to get in on the action? Classified is a zine for everyone. That means that no matter how big or small you are you can contribute and you can get your thoughts, games, art, and more out into the wargaming community! Send us your submissions via Instagram DM or by sending us an email at and make sure to put Classified submission in the subject!

Front Cover.png
Front Cover.png
Double Spread.png
Large Spread.png
Back Cover.png
Poster Page.png

Finally, this zine is here to stay! This zine format is much more sustainable for us and is a lot easier to make with a much larger potential for growth, this means that Classified isn't going anywhere any time soon! With this looking to be such a big project, we want to make sure no one misses out, for that reason, you can download every previous issue of classified right her from this article forever! Each issue will be available for free with each new issue published having a month window to get a physical copy from our store. However, keep an eye out as we may offer some limited runs of older issues!


Make sure to check our dedicated Classified page each month to grab the latest issue!

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