Changing the Industry
At Department of Wargaming, we are all about providing wargames for everyone, innovation and sustainability, and making awesome games!
We believe that everyone should have the chance to get into wargaming, which is why all our games have free rules forever! Not only, our all our games financially accessible, we wanted them to be easy to understand too. Whether it's your first time playing a wargame or if you're getting your friends and family into the hobby, games are easy to learn, engaging, and difficult to master - making them exciting time after time.
Not only do we create worlds, we try to protect our own to! Despite the few recycling programs put in place, not enough is being done to tackle the plastic waste created by the wargaming hobby. Right now, most of the sprue from other wargaming boxes goes straight in the bin. We actively encourage recycling of sprues to be used in our games as well as ensuring that any plastic we use is made with as little waste as possible and as sustainably as possible.
Finally, we not only want to build awesome games but an amazing community. Everything we do is with our community at the forefront. We want to build a sandbox for the amazing creativity of our community to thrive in. We actively encourage the creation of supplements, art, stories, characters, and even factions for our games. We'll never stop you, we may even make it official and compensate you properly for it!

The Creators!
Building the future of wargaming and beyond!

James - He/Him
Designer, illustrator, writer, and all-round Sci-fi wizard
"I started out in the hobby at 8 years old with Warhammer 40k 5th edition. I fell in love straight away and wanted everything I could get my hands on as soon as possible (much to the dismay of my parents who were left to foot the bill). With a limited collection of paints and the Assault on Black Reach box, I painted around 5 of each faction's models and would spend hours creating battles in my head. At the time, having moved around the world a few times, I didn't have many friends and didn't like popular things like football. This meant the wargaming hobby became my closest friend (besides my Xbox, but that's a different story).I built and painted (poorly) some of the big boxes over the years but never really got anywhere. That was until Warhammer 40k 8th where I got back into the hobby big time.
Most of the way through being a student, with a collection of terribly painted marines, I was left wanting more. This is when reality set in and I came to the realisation that this hobby was expensive, very expensive. I spent the next few years buying what I could and thankfully painting them better. However, as with all wargaming hobbyists, I wanted more! More models, more games, and was even left wanting more from the companies I was buying from. Scandal after scandal, boycott after boycott, I quickly realised just how profit-focused the wargaming hobby had become. Gone were the days where you could turn up to an official tournament with a cardboard tank and be lauded as the orkiest player there. Gone was the ability to customise your models to make them look how you want without repercussion. Gone was the ability to buy new boxes after several price hikes. This, combined with a new found obsession for games like Star Wars X-wing and Armada, sparked the creation of Department of Wargaming and the birth of the Tiny Conflict universe.
I've created all of this for the hobbyists that can't afford that one £60 model you need to even begin thinking about playing a game, for those who don't have the hundreds of hours to build and paint even the smallest of armies, I've built this for all those kids who's only friend was wargaming but wargaming wasn't their friend back."

Amber - She/Her
Resident social media and grammar-check goblin
"I had a less streamlined route into wargaming. Growing up, I was definitely a video game lover - my playtime on The Sims 4 speaks for itself there. However, upon meeting James, I knew that wargaming would become a big part of my life. When he presented me with a box full of half-painted orks, I had a vision...
That vision, much to the horror of every hobby store worker I've spoken to, included hot pink skin and sunshine yellow outfits. Having only worked on large canvases, my hands were shaky and their red-painted nails soon looked like they'd had their fingertips chopped off. Nonetheless, I loved being able to paint the lovable little guys, and felt excited to play a game with them!
That, however, was a short-lived dream. I found the mechanics very difficult to learn, and as a newbie to the hobby, I found myself asking questions every few seconds on what I could do, which page in the rulebook to turn to, and why on earth humans in silly blue suits would be stupid enough to fight giant pink monsters.
That's where Tiny Conflict was born. With a vision of an easy-to-learn, beginner-friendly game, James created this wonderful spaceship-fighting game of joy, which I was able to pick up almost instantly. As a play tester (and paint-scheme suggester), I was able to make sure that the rules made sense for someone totally new to the hobby. So, for anyone reading this who wants to start wargaming but doesn't know where to begin - you've come to the right place. Welcome to Tiny Conflict, we hope you love it here! :)"