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A disturbing dystopia of horrible nightmares where everything truly has gone wrong. In a sick chaotic joke gone wrong, the idea of chaos itself opened up portals between every universe reality and existence, all at once. It's your job as a cruel weaver of fate to decide who wins or loses in the battles of everything against everything all happening at the same time. The Battles of the Fucking Strange!

What better excuse to make a fun and fast skirmish games within semi-fixed units and armies than to make it about all of the armies ever imaginable and to make it fucking weird. 


Surprisingly I was completely sober when coming up with this idea and it makes for some funny and strange combinations that you can create with whatever models you have.


This spiritual nod to cooking with whatever you have in the fridge is a great way to play a wargame when you have too many models and no idea what to do with them!

Have you ever wanted to fight your super human space soldiers against giant floating eyeballs and a feudal army of goblins? Neither have we, but now you can! BotFS is meant to be silly at it's core but for a good reason. Wargames are often too expensive, either wanting specific models, or needing far too many of them. Whilst there's still a space for that and even a space for it in BotFS, it's not the focus. The game is small simple and easy. Meant to be played on top of the bin or on a sticky bar table over a pint, the rules all fit in a simple little zine with each army having their own equally easy and small zine with everything on them. Gone are the days of flicking through massive books trying to find one rule you remembered that actually doesn't exist. Now you have 8 little pages to flick through. Plus who cares? It's a silly wacky little game where a rat just ate a planet and then go ripped in half by some weird cartoon character. 


It's a strange game for those who have little time, lots of random models, and a want for sillyness to ensue with little care being taken along the way. Enjoy it!

New stuff is on the way! As can be expected, we want to bring as many of the wargaming staples to the game so you can use the models you want in your games. 


However, that's never going to stop us from releasing something absolutely bonkers for it to go up against. Got any rubber duck pirate models? Really? Strange! Well no matter if you do or don't they're in the game, coming soon. 


That leads us nicely on to how they will appear. Every faction will receive 3 things. A rules zine, a full set of models, and a small terrain kit to make them feel at home in their strange battles!

As well as being able to use your own collection, we want to make sure there are models available to people for every faction at a fair price. Each faction pack will come with a printed zine filled with every unit type (more on that in a minute), all the unique rules, and a handy guide to run that faction. Each faction will also come with enough models to play a pre-built army for that faction, and each pack will contain a terrain kit to use in games. This kit will either consist of a few smaller terrain piece or one larger one depending on the faction. Rules for the terrain will be included!


So how does one go about building an army of absolutely everything? Good question! Each faction is split into 3 sections: small, medium, and large models. Each unit from these sections already has pre-made rules, abilities, weapons, everything. All you have to do is choose how many of each you want using a simple pick 5 system. This allows you to either create monstrous hordes or elite death squads. Some factions may even have slightly different alternate units to pick each with their own strengths, but also their own restrictions. 


Once you've created an army from a faction, simply do it again for another faction (or another of the same faction) and you have yourself a true force of chaos to battle it out with!

Due to a change in time, resources, availability, and focus, we have currently chosen to put a temporary hold on the production of BotFS. It's a fun little project that just didn't make it into the top spot when we took a rethink last year. However, the chaos and strangeness of this universe have their pull and as other projects come to a close, we will be back for this one!


Check out our social channels for any new information when it becomes available!

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